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The use of folding sports wheelchair ride method
 Oct 13, 2022|View:536

Folding sports wheelchair are foldable, convenient management and easy to get on and off the car, high-speed rail, airplanes, etc. However, because many patients and families are the first time to use the foldable wheelchair, do not understand, today a brief introduction to the wheelchair folding method and the use of the method.

folding sports wheelchair

I. Folding sports wheelchair unfolding folding method.

1, unfold the wheelchair: hold the hand grip with both hands, so that the left and right frames are slightly separated. On both sides of the cushion with the palms of your hands lightly pressed to the positioning, the wheelchair car is unfolded;

2、Wheelchair folding: First, put the left and right pedals upwards, stand on both sides of the wheelchair, and gently lift the middle of the cushion with both hands to fold it upwards;

3、Footrest adjustment: If you need to adjust the footrest, please use the matching tool to loosen the fixed expansion locking bolt of the footrest and adjust the footrest to the appropriate height by locking the bolt or nut;

Second, the folding sports wheelchair ride method.

sports wheel chairs

1、Ride the wheelchair: unfold the wheelchair, put the pedals up, brake, hold the armrests on both sides of the wheelchair with both hands and slowly get into the seat, adjust the sitting posture after doing well, lean back on the hips as much as possible, adjust the sitting posture and then put the pedals flat, put both feet on the pedals and release the brake to push or row;

2、Parking or parking: If you need to park or mainstream the wheelchair, please choose a flat place to brake, do not park on the ramp;

3, get off: get off the wheelchair should first brake, then put the pedals up, feet on the ground, in holding the handrail slowly get up, do not step on the pedals to get on and off the wheelchair, easy to cause the wheelchair to tilt forward and dangerous.